סינרגיה app for iPhone and iPad
The name of the project reflects the unique story behind the song "Sounds of Silence", as a story of a joint creation in the musical world. I chose to tell the story of Simon and Garfunkel, because without the chain of events, the duo and the song they wrote, they would not have been universally recognized. I chose to present the story using the AR - Augmented Reality technique, using three - dimensional animation and a combination of unique sound clips based on the song itself. The technique, like the idea of synergy itself, requires the audience to take an active and inseparable part of the work. The audience takes over the camera, which serves as a sort of window into historical stories using an innovative technique. This technique enables the audience to observe and wander through the story, thus enabling each and every person to create a personal and different experience.
Final project under the direction of Weintraub Ilan, Dazabli Bat and Miles Silver
Final project- Wizo Haifa
Sound of silence by Simon and Garfunkel
Sound making: Haim mor elgarisi
Made by Bar Gluck